Dr Lipsa Shah
MD Ayu (Gynac)

An Ayurved consultant having specialization in Gynecology and Obstetrics (MD- Ayurved from IPGT&R, Jamnagar, Gujrat)

Dr Lipsa has extensive knowledge, skills in female infertility and gynecology. She is practicing as senior consultant at Complimentary and Alternative Medicine Department at Saifee Hospital, Mumbai and Jobanputra Clinic at Kandivali, Mumbai.

Dr Lipsa has done research in the field of infertility and has proven track record of successfully treating hundreds of infertility patients. In her 18 years of practice, she has also treated patients with various disorders such as early degenerative disease, diabetes, high cholesterol, allergic problems, arthritis, and gastritis.

She has been holding various medical camps including Suvarna Prashan Sankar with the purpose of supporting and promoting Ayurved for pediatrics. She has taken various seminars and also arranged workshops to promote Ayurved at national level.

She was a key member and medical consultant in the team working towards getting NABH certification for CAM Department at Saifee Hospital – a first NABH certification in Maharashtra for any Ayurved Department.

Being compassionate individual, Dr Lipsa is been drawn towards the social cause in last few years. She is a founder director of an NGO – Suhrid Foundation – working in the tribal areas in Palghar, Maharashtra and supporting 12 schools with over 1000 children for health and education.